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Monday, September 27, 2010


Stress comes from different resources and we have to learn how to deal with it.  First of all, what is a stress?
Researchers define stress as a physical, mental, or emotional response to events that causes bodily or mental tension. Simply put, stress is any outside force or event that has an effect on our body or mind. People attend to get stressed because of their lifestyle or from nothing. For families with teenagers, it's obvious to be stressed on daily basis. When kids turning to an adults, their  hormone level is changing  and  increases fussiness, change their body, mind, and their behavior too. This is a stressful period for them and for us, parents.
 There are hundreds advises how to deal with stress and each person should try to find its own method that would effectively help to an individual.

Here are very basic tips to be strees free:

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

How To Encourage Your High School Student to Do Their Best

Encouraging your high school student to do their best isn’t as hard as you may think. It does take time and effort, but it should become part of a daily routine that both you and your teen can enjoy more than dread.
This article has good tips that would help you as a parent to guide your high school child and will help  your child set goals and achieve them.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Дети, школа и друзья

Мы родители всегда опасаемся за своих детей и порой чрезмерно за них печемся. Родительская любовь может не только уберечь своих детей от дурных поступков, но и подталкнуть их на это.
Как правило, дети копируют нас с мальства и очень много чего у них остается в их характере на всю жизь. Даже страшно иногда бывает когда видешь себя в них.

Дети- наше будующее и мы, как родители, просто обязанны воспитать их так, чтобы они восполнили места тех, которые сделали огромный вклад в наше общество. А именно воспитанных, образованных и добропорядочных людей. В настоящее время родители занеты своими проблемами и им нет особого дела до своих сокровищ, а поэтому телевизор и другие девайсы занимаются воспиганием наших детей. Что бесчувстенная елестроника может дать ребенку, ничего кроме агресивности, жестокости, безжалости, бессердечноси что ,как правило, перерастает в убийство и насилие.

Школа вмещает в себя детей с разных социальных слоев и в процессе обучения ребенок получает как традиционное школьное обучение так и дополнительное так называемое уличное обучение.
Особенно подростки очень легко поподаются под плахое влияние со стороны своих сверстников в школе и несут негатив в семью.

PARENT'S FEAR: In these days, it is very hard to deal with youth....

PARENT'S FEAR: In these days, it is very hard to deal with youth....: "In these days, it is very hard to deal with youth. They are very aggressive and out of control. So many young people don't know what to do w..."

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

In these days, it is very hard to deal with youth. They are very aggressive and out of control. So many young people don't know what to do with their lives. I think this is a huge problem  and causes danger for our society. If we can find what this age group likes to do and, come up with  some ideas how to deal with them we may save many young lives. In our area we almost have nothing for this age group;  so maybe it is time to build a youth center with lots of affordable, and interesting activities for them?
Or maybe it is time for parents to analyze their lives? With such a busy life parents can't find time for their children. There are so many helpful materials that can be found online which, can be used as a useful implement in parenting. However, nothing will replace parents' love, care, and understanding.
An adultsome thinks that parents don't care, don't understand them and with their aggressiveness they are trying to show these statements.
I have children of my own and two out of four are teens. I wasn't prepared for these situations that I have faced with. I thought that they are still kids, and treated them like my other two little ones, but it didn't work out as well. I had to find a new way of communication, new words, new key to their mind and hearts.
Safe Driving Resources

The Facts About Teen Driving

Start the Conversation

Car crashes caused by teen drivers are the #1 killer of teens in America today. As you read the statistics below, keep in mind the most telling statistic of all: according to a recent survey, 89 percent of teens said their parents have the biggest influence on how they drive.

The Epidemic

  • Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death among American teenagers, killing between 5,000 and 6,000 teenagers every year.
  • No other kind of hazard comes close to claiming as many teenage lives, including homicides (13 percent) and suicides (11 percent). (2002 figures)

A Teenager's Odds

  • Teenage drivers account for 12.6 percent of all drivers involved in fatal crashes.
  • The fatal crash rates among 16- to 19-year-olds is four times that of older drivers.
  • Risk is the highest at age 16, when the fatal crash rate is 40 percent higher than for 18 year-olds and 30 percent higher than for 19-year-olds.

The Enemies*

  • Cell Phones
    • 56 percent of teens said they make and answer phone calls while driving.
    • Talking on a cell phone can double the likelihood of an accident and can slow a young driver’s reaction time to that of a 70-year-old.
    • 13 percent of teens said they send and respond to text messages while driving.
  • Speeding
    • 17 percent of teens said speeding is fun.
    • 55 percent of teens said they exceed the speed limit by more than 10 mph.
    • 26 percent of self-identified "aggressive" teen drivers reported speeding by more than 20 mph over the limit.
    • 69 percent of teens who speed said they do so because they want to keep up with traffic.
  • Peer Pressure
    • 44 percent of teens said they drive more safely without friends in the car.
    • 67 percent of teens said they have felt unsafe when someone else was driving.
    • Only 45 percent said they would definitely speak up if someone were driving in a way that scared them.
    • 37 percent said they would ride with one or more friends who speed in the coming year.
*Statistics on teen views are from a recent Allstate Foundation survey.

The Allies

  • Seat Belts
    • Wearing lap/shoulder belts can reduce the risk of dying in a crash by 45 percent.
    • Teens have the lowest rate of seat belt use.
  • Curfews
    • More than 40 percent of teen auto deaths occur between the hours of 9 p.m. and 6 a.m.
    • Almost 60 percent of teens’ night time auto deaths occur before midnight.