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Thursday, November 11, 2010

Welcome Gusts to my blog

This page is designed especially for my dear visitors. In class, we were asked to exchange with comments on each other blogs. I’m inviting you to take a tour and post any comments about my blog or post your own.
Thank you for your participation.

Friday, November 5, 2010

How to Write a Home Rules Contract
Every home should have its own set of family rules. Family rules simplify explanations, clarify expectations, and create a safe environment for your children and their friends. We have our list of family rules taped to the refrigerator. I copied this list down a long time ago from somewhere, and these rules have served our family well over the years.

1. Tell the truth.
2. Treat each other with respect.

  • no yelling
  • no hitting
  • no kicking
  • no name-calling
  • no put-downs

3. No arguing with parents.

  • We want and value your input and ideas, but arguing means you have made your points more than once.

4. Respect each other’s property.

  • Ask permission to use something that doesn’t belong to you.

5. Do what Mom and Dad say the first time.

  • without complaining or throwing a fit!

6. Ask permission before you go somewhere.
7. Put things away that you take out.
8. Look for ways to be kind and helpful to each other.

Teens With Problems

Does My Teen Need Help
Teens may face with many problems, and they shouldn't be left off from parents attention. Each parent is responsible for their child and should keep an eye on everything what is going on with their child. Some parents don't see things as they should because they busy with their own live and their eyes, ears, and hart are closed for their children until something happened. Don't wait, get close to your child. This link will get you to the site where you can test yourself by answering questions and professionals will give you very valuable advise how to help you and your child.

Link to: Does My Teen Need Help?

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Signs of a Bad Friend

Do we need a friend? Yes we do! It's natura,l and we can't live with out communication. Looking for a good friend could take some time. Adults have friends so do the teens. Friendship can be very good and positive thing, but also it can be a night mare. we all need to be a little bit careful when choose a friend. I noticed in my teens that friendship in many cases is a stress. I understand that we need to think about friendship  as a way of support, but more offer this support comes only from one side.

Teen's Closet

What to wear can be the hardest question for your teen. When our children go through the growth stage, we buy different sizes, styles, and colors of clothes and shoes. To buy clothing for my children never been a problem, but when my oldest two turned to teenagers I faced with this issue face to face. Of course, teens want to be in style, look sexy, and want more expensive brand clothing. But, can we afford what they want? Do they really have an extreme need in brand clothing? I personally don't think that it necessary. As a parent, I talked to my children about and explain them that it is not good to have everything that they want because they can loose sense of responsibility, values, and normal life.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Teen Pregnancy

The lack of education on safe sex, whether it's from parents, schools, or otherwise, is a cause of teenage pregnancy. Teen pregnancy is an important issue. There are health risks for the baby and children born to teenage mothers are more likely to suffer health, social, and emotional problems. In developed countries, teenage pregnancies are associated with many social issues, including lower educational levels, higher rates of poverty, and other poorer "life outcomes" in children of teenage mothers. Teenage pregnancy in developed countries is usually outside of marriage, and carries a social stigma in many communities and cultures. Many studies and campaigns have attempted to uncover the causes and limit the numbers of teenage pregnancies. In other countries and cultures, particularly in the developing world, teenage pregnancy is usually within marriage and does not involve a social stigma. Parents, protect your child from early pregnancy by educating them about family values, importantcy of marrage, and building strong society.

Dating Teens

Teens and Dating

A teen does not learn how to date in the classroom; they learn it ether from their family, friends, or explore it on their own. It is normal for teen to get interested in dating, but it could be bad experience for them if parents didn't talk about at all at home. Before parent will share their dating stories with their teen, parent need to sort that information because not all your own experience need to be know right away.